Why the massive delay in posts? Well, nothing's really happened in the past couple of weeks.
I picked up some dry cleaning, visited with the in-laws, ...
my country broke cultural barriers and united in electing a transformational leader poised to become the defining figure of my generation.
And I got a new hat.
Really, though, I couldn't be happier. I firmly believe that Barack Obama will slowly transform this country for the better, be re-elected to a second term, and by the time all is said and done, he will have restored the positive image of America in the world, once again making us the standard-bearer for the best society this planet has to offer. He will bring a sober, yet inspiring tone to America; he will speak to us like adults; and (far-off, starry-eyed projection ahead) after his two terms, he will remembered among the ranks of FDR and JFK. Enjoy your remaining time on the ten dollar bill, Hamilton.
Further far-off projection: Next Democratic president - Mark Warner, elected 2016
And now, my (partial) fantasy cabinet for the Obama Administration.
State: Sen. John Kerry, Susan Rice (alt.)
Treasury: Robert Rubin, Jamie Dimon (alt.)
Defense: Sen. Jack Reed, Robert Gates (alt.)
National Security: Susan Rice, Gen. Anthony Zinni (ret.) or James Steinberg (alts.)
Energy: Gov. Brian Schweitzer
Homeland Security: Richard Clarke, Rep. Jane Harman (alt.)
Ambassador to UN: former Rep. Lee Hamilton, Caroline Kennedy (alt.)
Attorney General: Rep. Artur Davis, Gov. Tim Kaine (alt.)
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
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