Monday, September 22, 2008

The Best Indicator of Future Behavior...

Now, I'm just sayin'...

The absurdity is just as potent on the 100th repetition as the 1st: "Hi, I've been in Washington for three decades. I have 7 lobbyists running my campaign and writing my policies (including the author of the deregulation bill that has our economy royally screwed). I voted against every financial regulatory measure I support now. But you can sure bet I'm an agent of change and reform and that when you elect me, my advisors and handlers are prepared to be kicked to the unemployment line."

Honestly, it's like stopped trying weeks ago. As recently as today:

If you didn't have time to hear McCain's response, I'll summarize: "Well, Carly's different... because I said so. I think she alone did a good job, unlike any and every other beneficiary of golden parachutes. You see, whereas she ran her company like so many other poop-flinging apes, her poop was much browner and firmer."

For the Republican ticket, "reform" is just a word that sounds pretty, noble, and - most importantly - politically advantageous. The record and the rhetoric just don't match up. For example, when you laud your own efforts at lobbying and securing millions of dollars for a town of only a few thousand (people, not caribou), you're not an "earmark reformer". And yes, that's Palin's handwriting in the document's margin, written with the giddiness of a yearbook-signing teenager - if that teenager is responsible for having secured $27 million for about 5,000 people and then appointed half her friends in the yearbook to state government posts.

Reformer? Please.

(cartoon by Drew Sheneman of the Newark Star Ledger)

I'm just sayin'...

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